Gene Analysis:

Acces the entire transcriptome with Full Spectrum

The Full Spectrum™ Complete Transcriptome RNA Amplification Kit provides a superior approach to amplify RNA for expression analysis. In addition to robustly and reliably amplifying difficult RNA from valuable samples in a way that maintains the relative levels of each transcript, the Full Spectrum approach ensures that all regions of the transcripts are present in the amplified products. The Full Spectrum™ MultiStart Primer mix initiates first strand cDNA synthesis at multiple points along the mRNA as well as from the poly A tail. This means that the complete mRNA sequence is preserved; even if the mRNA is degraded. Thus, it is now possible to amplify the mRNA while maintaining the complete mRNA sequence.

Detect Interferon Response before Interpreting RNAi Results

Interferon Response Detection Kit for validation of siRNA experiments ensures you get more accurate data from siRNA knockdown analyses by allowing you to easily assess if your siRNA induces a non-specific interferon stress response. Stress responses may affect general cellular protein expression levels and can confuse the interpretation of data obtained from RNAi experiments. The Interferon Response Detection Kit measures relative expression levels of five genes involved in the interferon response: OAS1, OAS2, MX1, ISGF3g, and IFITM1.